Microbiological analytical testing
Environmental Service Laboratories is now offering microbiological analytical testing in verifying the effectiveness of surface cleaning. Currently, there are no clear or recommended procedures for the determination of active viruses such as Coronavirus on surfaces,...
Risk to water supplies
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “the presence of the COVID-19 virus has not been detected in drinking water supplies and based on current evidence the risk to water supplies is low”. Homeowners that receive their water from a public water utility may...
Microbiological laboratory testing
ESL offers a comprehensive array of Microbiological laboratory testing. All landowners and residences who install a new groundwater source for drinking water (drilled well, a new shallow well, a new driven well point or a new spring), or who deepen an existing...
Lead and Copper
EPA LCR... "Lead and Copper enters drinking water primarily through plumbing materials. Exposure to lead and copper may cause health problems ranging from stomach distress to brain damage. Drinking water systems must be monitored at customer taps. If lead...