Over the next few years ESL became certified to test additional contaminants under the Safe Water Drinking Act, signed a gas measurement agreement, and purchased a large lot laboratory from NYTEST in New York. The end of the decade brought about more advancements. In 1997, ESL purchased its first Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer for analyzing organics which then allowed the lab to add Total Trihalomethanes and Volatile Organic Compounds to its drinking water certification in 1998. ESL added additional certifications to comply with the PA Oil & Gas Act in 1999. The 90’s certainly were a busy time for ESL, but the next decade proved to be just as auspicious.
In 2002, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection began requiring labs to become registered and ESL relocated in Indiana, PA. ESL continued adding certifications for drinking water, wastewater, and solids/soils. As Marcellus Shale drilling gained a greater presence in Pennsylvania, ESL increased Marcellus Shale testing and analysis in 2010. To accommodate short hold-time parameters and secure a presence in the heavy drilling area, ESL opened an office in Washington County. In response to changes in PADEP Oil & Gas Act, ESL brought on dedicated Oil & Gas Project Managers and modernized reporting options. Ending the 2000’s on a good note, ESL continued to strive for success after more than 20 years.
Expansion seemed to be the theme of 2011 for Environmental Service Laboratories. Lycoming County became the home to an ESL satellite lab which allowed the labs reach to move considerably further across the state and into the heaviest drilling area. The year also brought about the certification for ESL to test children’s products in compliance with the Consumer Product Safety Commission. In 2012 ESL gained a strong foothold in the PA Marcellus fairway brought by ESL’s three locations. The excitement endured through 2013 when the Environmental Service Laboratories headquarters in Indiana, PA earned NELAP accreditation allowing the lab to pursue business in other states.
With over 30 years of experience, Environmental Service Labs is growing and gaining more capabilities every year. At ESL we strive for quality and we won’t be slowing down any time soon…